Monday, October 23, 2017

Menu plan for the week of October 23

I washed the dishes yesterday.  I usually wash the dishes that don't fit or shouldn't go in the dishwasher every day, but I skipped Friday, and then I skipped Saturday, and on Sunday morning, we had an impressive example of dishes math.  They multiply, y'all.  If it takes five minutes to wash one days' worth of dirty dishes, it takes 20 minutes to wash two days' worth.  I don't know how that's even possible, but that's how it is.

AKD walked over while I was draining the sink for the first time.  That's right, my friends: there were so many dirty dishes that one sink full of soapy water wasn't going to cut it.  Oh, you're done, he said.  Nope, I informed him, it was only half-time.  He asked me if I was winning.  I told him I wasn't sure.

I am happy to report that I conquered the dishes...this time.  Rematch scheduled for tonight.

Here's what's on the menu this week:


  • Ice cream cake (something like this)

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